Education Law Impacts Us All

In preparing for this issue, I have come to realize how specialized the practice of education law is. This is a niche practice area. I would encourage attorneys to consider expanding their own continuing education in this field. Each of us will inevitably benefit from the increased knowledge as education law impacts us all. Read more in this installment of the “CCBA President’s Message” article written by Nedda Ghandi, Esq. (COMMUNIQUÉ, Mar. 2022)

Making a Difference in Special Education

Consider volunteering to become an Education Decision Maker through the Volunteer Education Advocate Project or representing a child through the Children’s Attorneys Project at Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. Read more about how Nevada lawyers can make a difference in this article written by Jonathan Norman, Esq. and Xavier B. Planta, Esq. (COMMUNIQUÉ, Mar. 2022)

Nevada Lawyers to Present Legislative Update CLE Program on November 9, 2021

On November 9, 2021, three Nevada lawyers will make a special presentation for the continuing education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the CCBA’s CLE Committee. The program, “Legislative Update: Looking In & Out,” highlight relevant information related to the following topics: adoption, immigration, civil litigation, health care, education, criminal justice reform, and tips from the Legislator. RSVP to the CCBA by November 8, 2021.