
Communiqué (December 2021)

Read content originally published in the Pro Bono issue of Communiqué* (December 2021).

Feature articles

Trends in Pro-Bono Giving as We Pivot from Pandemic to Post-Pandemic Times and Look Ahead into 2022” By Emily Ellis, Esq.

Pro Bono Senior Advocate Sign-A -Thon Supports SNSLP’s Mission of Serving Seniors Regardless of Income” By Candace Carlyon, Esq. and Carol Kingman, Esq.

Leave the Client in the Cold. Nevada Rule of Professional Conduct 1.8 Sanctions Charity” By Chad Pace, Esq.

Guardianship in Nevada” By Michael Wendlberger, Esq.


CCBA President’s Message:”Honoring Members Past and Present” By James E. Harper, Esq.

View from the Bench: “Matterhorn: Traffic Citation Resolution Platform Goes Live” By Chief Judge Melissa Saragosa

Nevada Appellate Summaries: “Opinion Summary (11-2-21)” By Joe Tommasino, Esq.


Empathy and Awareness Are Keys to Diversity and Inclusion” By Michael J. Nuñez, Esq.

Jim Berchtold to Present Landlord-Tenant CLE Program on December 16, 2021” By Stephanie Abbott

Special Offers on CLE for Nevada Lawyers” By Stephanie Abbott

“Meet Your Judges Event Highlights” By Stephanie Abbott

  • Bar Activities
  • Bar Services
  • CLE Programs
  • Court News
  • The Marketplace
On the Cover:

On the cover: Diversity Luncheon Spotlight (l-r): Judge Tierra Jones, Bryan Scott, James Harper, Lora Picini, and Nedda Ghandi. Photo courtesy of Stephanie Abbott.

To see all the content, see the full issue of the Communiqué (December 2021) available in either print or PDF versions. See below for access to PDF version (4.5 MB file to download).

*About Communiqué

Communiqué is published eleven times per year with an issue published monthly except for July by the Clark County Bar Association, P.O. Box 657, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0657. Phone: (702) 387-6011.

Communiqué accepts advertisements from numerous sources and makes no independent investigation or verification of any claim or statement made in the advertisement. All articles, letters, and advertisements contained in this publication represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Clark County Bar Association.

Communiqué is mailed to all paid members of CCBA, with subscriptions available to non-members for $75.00 per year. For advertising information and editorial policy, please contact Steph Abbott at (702) 387-6011 or stephabbott@clarkcountybar.org.

© 2021 Clark County Bar Association (CCBA). All rights reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this issue is allowed without written permission from the publisher. Editorial policy available upon request.