Read an open letter from CCBA President James Harper to law students who are enrolled at UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law and other ABA accredited law schools for Fall 2021.
Proposed Amendments to Arbitration, Mediation and Short Trial Rules
The State Bar is soliciting comments to these proposed amendments from interested stakeholders no later than August 6, 2021.
Lance Hendron Presents “Gazed and Confused” CLE CLE Program
Includes information for Nevada lawyers regarding the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Standardized Field Sobriety Test, Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test, Walk and Turn Test, and the One Leg Stand Test.
John Naylor to Reveal Traps for Unauthorized Practice of Law During CLE Luncheon on July 15
The presentation will offer 1.0 Ethics CLE Credit to CCBA members only. Pricing of the event and the CLE is included with the 2021 CCBA membership.
Dennis Kennedy Presents “Ethics Unbound and Unmasked” CLE Program
This recorded CLE program is available for pre-order now!
CLE Programming Survey for Bar Members
The CCBA CLE Committee would like to know how you plan to participate in continuing legal education (CLE) programming.
CCBA Team Signs Up for ¡Andale! 5K Run/Walk!
CCBA members are invited to join our team—CCBA DICE Rollers.
Las Vegas Justice Court Order Rescinds Previously Mandated Appearances for Virtual Court Sessions
AO #21-06 orders “that the sections of Administrative Order #21-03 mandating appearances for virtual court session through BlueJeans or telephonic appearance for all counsel, parties and witnesses is now rescinded.
New Jury Plan for Eighth Judicial District Court
Per the announcement, the plan is designed “to instruct judges and court staff on how to conduct an in-person jury trial in a manner that minimizes risks to all participants by taking every reasonable precaution that has been recommended by our community health care partners.” The plan addresses topics related to the following concerns:
Eighth Judicial District Court Administrative Order 21-04
AO 21-04 supersedes AO 20-01 through 20-13, 20-16, 20-17, 20-22, 20-23, 20-24, and 21-03. Any portions of those orders than remain in effect are included in Administrative Order 21-04 (AO 21-04). See 27-page PDF file available to download…