By Matthew T. Dushoff, Esq. and Bridget Kelly, Esq.
The Devil You Know. The New Mandatory Provisions for LLC/PLLC Operating Agreements.
By Glenn H. Truitt, Esq., MHA
Top Issues in Health Care Provider Leases
By Elizabeth M. Sorokac, Esq., and Michael A. Quebbemann, Esq.
Volunteers Sought for Attorney – Law Student Mock Interviews
The CCBA’s Community Service Committee seeks attorney members to volunteer to conduct mock job interviews with law students at this event.
Dr. Pohl to Speak to Disease of Addiction & Mental Health Awareness During Members Only Bar Luncheon on March 18, 2021
Making a Positive Impact
By Alexis M. Duecker, Esq.
Racial Justice Issue of Communiqué Published
This month’s issue features content related to the topic of racial justice, court news, and bar services, written by members of the southern Nevada legal community.