Justice Court Orders Mandatory Electronic Filing in Criminal Traffic Cases

On June 15, 2022, the Las Vegas Justice Court filed an order in the administrative matter of mandatory electronic filing in criminal traffic cases. The order becomes effective on July 1, 2022. See Administrative Order #22-06.

On June 15, 2022, the Las Vegas Justice Court filed an order in the administrative matter of mandatory electronic filing in criminal traffic cases. See Administrative Order 22-06.

The order addresses the significant impact of the practice of bulk filing motions, pleadings, and documents has on the court’s ability to provide necessary customer service and access to justice for all litigants appearing at the Las Vegas Justice Court clerk’s office.

Per Administrative Order #22-06 order, the court orders:

  • “[A]ll criminal traffic motions, confirmation of counsel submissions, and pleadings of any kind must be filed into the Court’s case management system utilizing the Court’s electronic filing system. Any motion or pleading submitted to the Clerk’s office will be returned to comply with this electronic filing mandate.
  • [A]ll documentation establishing proof of vehicle registration, driver’s license, or insurance must be uploaded using the Court’s Online Dispute Resolution platform (Matterhorn).
  • [I]n order to provide adequate advance notice of mandatory electronic filing requirement, this administrative order will be become effective on July 1, 2022.”

For more information about the Las Vegas Justice Court’s rules and orders, visit the court’s website at http://www.lasvegasjusticecourt.us/faq/laws_and_rules.php.

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