Hispanic Leaders in Law Event Set for September 28, 2022

Nevada lawyers are invited to attend this special event and reception at The Mob Museum. After the main event, the CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE) will be hosting a reception in The Distillery. featuring complimentary drink tickets and food (while supplies last). Learn more 👇

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon Highlights

On March 31, 2022, the Clark County Bar hosted its Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon sponsored by Bank of Nevada, First Legal, and Steno Agency, Inc. Justice Silver made a special presentation about the Supreme Court of Nevada. CCBA President (‘21) Harper presented awards and thanked several members who actively supported the CCBA last year.

Annette Bradley to Join Clark County Bar’s Board of Directors

Corporate attorney Annette Bradley recently accepted an invitation to join the Clark County Bar Association’s Board of Directors. Annette stepped up to fill a recent vacancy on the CCBA’s board of directors. She will be sworn-in as a board member during the CCBA’s Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on March 31, 2022. She is expected to serve on the CCBA board from 2022 through 2023.