Diversity and Inclusion Activities

Bar members are invited to attend upcoming activities hosted by Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE).


Featuring educational events for members of the southern Nevada legal community to attend.

Lunchtime Learning CLE

Neurodiversity and the Juvenile Justice System

  • Course description: Learn about the unique challenges for neuro-diverse youth involved in the juvenile justice system. This program will include updated content to provide information on neurodiversity to include Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and neuro abstinence syndrome. We discuss the impact of FAS, NAS and ASD in the dependency and delinquency system.
  • Speakers: Hon. Soonhee “Sunny” Bailey and court coordinator Khristie Cury of the Detention Alternative for Autistic Youth (DAAY Court)—the only diversionary court in the nation for youth on the autism spectrum.
  • When: Thursday, March 27, 2025, 12 to 1:15 pm
  • Where: Online via Zoom
  • Offers: 1.0 general CLE credit for Nevada lawyers
  • Live webcast (via Zoom): FREE for CCBA Members (2025) only. Not a CCBA member? Join/renew now.
  • Recorded materials rental: $25/CCBA Member or $50/non-member. Recorded materials are delivered via hyperlink in an email. Please allow up to 6 weeks (after date of original presentation) for delivery.
  • RSVP to CCBA by 3/25/2025: https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/neurodiversity-juvenile-justice-system-cle-program/

Lunchtime Learning CLE

“Recognizing Burnout: Building a supportive legal workplace”

This program is produced by the CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE) as part of the DICE CLE Series.

  • Sponsors:
  • Speaker: Dr. Alexis Kennedy, JD/PhD, is a forensic psychology researcher and professor in the Criminal Justice Department and School of Medicine at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. As a well-respected expert with more than thirty years working with human trafficking victims, she knows intimately the risks of developing burnout and compassion fatigue. She works with first responders, health care workers, attorneys, and other helping professionals throughout the US and Canada to stay in important but difficult work without sacrificing their own health.
  • Summary:
    • In the high-pressure environment of the legal profession, stress and burnout are common challenges that can significantly impact both personal well-being and professional performance. This workshop is designed to equip lawyers and support staff with the knowledge and tools to effectively support their colleagues, reduce stress, and recognize the early signs of burnout. We will explore the nature of burnout, share tips for spotting it in yourself and others, and discuss practical ways to support your colleagues. We’ll also look at how diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) play a crucial role in how stress is experienced and addressed, recognizing that people from different backgrounds may face unique challenges.
  • Objectives:
    • Understand the impact of stress and burnout in the legal profession.
    • Learn to identify red flags of burnout in yourself and your colleagues.
    • Explore the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in experiencing and addressing stress and burnout.
  • Target Audience:
    • Lawyers at all career stages
    • Legal support staff
    • HR professionals
  • Key Takeaways:
    • Enhanced awareness of burnout signs and symptoms.
    • Practical strategies to support colleagues and reduce workplace stress.
    • Insight into the importance of DEI in managing stress and promoting a healthy work environment.
  • When: Wednesday, December 4, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
  • Where: Online via Zoom
  • Note: This CLE program will NOT be recorded.
  • Offers: 1.0 AAMH CLE credit (NV)
  • Live webcast (via Zoom): FREE for CCBA Members (2024) only. Not a CCBA member? Join/renew now.
  • RSVP to CCBA by 12/2/2024: https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/recognizing-burnout-cle-program/

Recorded CLE

Recognizing and Responding to Microaggressions

This program is produced by the Southern Nevada Association of Women Attorneys and CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE) as part of the DICE CLE Series.

  • Sponsors:
  • Speakers:
    • Hardeep “Dee” Sull
    • Olivia Serene Lee
    • Jilliane Jackson
  • Description: Diversity, equity and inclusion is the mission of successful organizations and business as it builds depth, strength and commitment to the communities we serve. Yet, over 2023, our agreements for multicultural interactions have been tested.
  • Topics:
    • Definition of microaggression
    • Bridging, creating a space that we all can belong
    • Identifying microaggressions and types of microaggressions
    • Invisible labor clause
    • Conditional American: ABA 21-Day Racial Equity Invitation
    • In the workplace and beyond
    • With our clients
    • In the courtroom and beyond
    • Responses to microaggressions
    • Bridging and belonging
  • Recorded: 11/14/2024
  • Offers: 1.0 Ethics CLE credit (NV)
  • Recorded materials rental: $25/CCBA Member or $50/non-member. Not a CCBA member? Join/renew now.
  • Order form: https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/recognizing-microaggressions-cle-program/

Recorded CLE Program

Bystander Intervention: Promoting a Safer and More Inclusive Environment

This program is produced by the CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE) as part of the DICE CLE Series.

  • Course description: This course provides an in-depth exploration of bystander intervention strategies tailored for the workplace. Participants will gain an understanding of the psychological principles behind the bystander effect, including diffusion of responsibility, ambiguity in situations, perceived cost, and evaluation apprehension. Through interactive discussions and real-life scenarios, attendees will learn how to effectively intervene in instances of workplace misconduct, harassment, or discrimination. The course aims to equip participants with the skills and confidence to act as proactive allies, fostering a safer, more inclusive, and respectful work environment. By the end of the session, participants will be able to identify barriers to intervention and apply practical techniques to overcome them, ensuring they can support their colleagues and uphold ethical standards.
  • Recorded: 10/2/2024
  • Format: Audio/Video
  • Offers: 1.0 Ethics CLE credit (NV)
  • Recorded materials rental: $25/CCBA Member or $50/non-member. Not a CCBA member? Join/renew now.
  • Order form: https://clarkcountybar.org/marketplace/cle-programs/bystander-intervention-cle-program/

Working Towards a More Diverse Legal Profession

This program is produced by the CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE) as part of the DICE CLE Series.

  • Course description: Regardless of how fair-minded we believe ourselves to be, most people have some degree of implicit bias – unconscious thought patterns and associations that can influence our attitudes towards others and how we make decisions. This program explores these thought patterns, how they impact the workplace, and strategies for identifying and minimizing their impact.
  • Speaker: Effie Sahihi, Vice President U.S. Managed Review, Diversity Equity & Inclusion Program Lead, Consilio LLC

“Diversity in Action: Recruiting a Diverse Workforce”

A special DICE CLE program hosted during the Clark County Bar Luncheon featuring notable members of Nevada’s legal community

The DICE CLE Series (2023) was funded in part by State Bar of Nevada’s IDEA Grant and sponsors: Adams ESQ ConsilioFirst LegalHeidari Law GroupLas Vegas Legal VideoMurchison & Cumming LLPThe Vieira Firm

“Cultural Competency in the Legal Profession”

The DICE CLE Series is funded in part by State Bar of Nevada’s IDEA Grant and DICE CLE Series Sponsors + a Nevada Bar Foundation Matching Challenge.


  • Panelists:
    • Cecia Alvarado of Latino Outreach Solutions, LLC – NEWLY ADDED!
    • Athar Hassebullah, Esq. of ACLU of Nevada
    • Dr. Radhika Kunnel, Esq. of Nevada Attorney General’s Office
  • Moderator: Hardeep “Dee” Sull of Sull & Associates
  • Topics:
    • Overview of cultural competency in the legal profession
    • Discussion of the challenges lawyers face in addressing cultural competency
    • Best practices for developing and delivering cultural competency
    • Brainstorming and ideation of ideas for cultural competency
  • Offers: 1.0 hour of Ethics Continuing Legal Education (CLE) for Nevada lawyers
  • Recorded: Friday, 5/19/2023, 12 p.m.-1:15 p.m.
  • Format: Audio/Video. Recorded materials are provided via hyperlink in email.
  • Price for recorded materials rental: FREE/CCBA and Nevada Bar Members
  • Order CLE: https://clarkcountybar.org/cultural-competency-in-the-legal-profession-dice-cle-program/

“Preventing Workplace Discrimination”

The DICE CLE Series is funded in part by State Bar of Nevada’s IDEA Grant and DICE CLE Series Sponsors + a Nevada Bar Foundation Matching Challenge.


  • Panelists: Noel Hernandez and Elody Tignor of Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC; Connye Y. Harper, Esq. of ACLU of Nevada
  • Topics:
  • Overview and history of anti-discrimination laws including Title VII, ADEA, ADA, Equal Pay Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and 42 USC § 1981
  • Employer preventative measures
  • CLE: 1.0 hour of continuing legal education (CLE) for Nevada lawyers
  • Recorded: 3/29/2023
  • Format: Audio/Video. Recorded materials are provided via hyperlink in email.
  • Price for recorded materials rental: FREE/CCBA and Nevada Bar Members
  • Order form: https://clarkcountybar.org/preventing-workplace-discrimination-dice-cle-program/

More programs available in the DICE CLE Series!

  • “An Introduction to Critical Race Theory”
  • “Critical Race Theory on Civil Rights and Criminalization”

See “CCBA’s Continuing Legal Education Library” (PDF file to download): https://clarkcountybar.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ccba-cle-av-library-catalog.pdf.

Attorney Mentors Sought for Boyd Law Mentorship Program

Members of the bar are invited to mentor students at the UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law. The new mentorship program at UNLV Law is designed to pair a first-generation law student with an attorney in the Las Vegas area. First generation students often feel, and are, alone when trying to navigate the legal field. The purpose of this program is to bridge that gap. The attorney-mentor is someone the law student-mentee can go to for any questions they might have about law school, summer internships, practice areas, the bar exam, entry into the legal field, etc. Interested attorneys are invited to fill out the excel spreadsheet and send it to elody.tignor@ogletree.com. For more information about the mentorship program, reach out to Elody Tignor at Ogletree Deakins or Brian Wall, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, UNLV Law.

Support DICE

Please make a donation to support the activities of the CCBA’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee for Equity (DICE). Thank you!

Donation for Diversity & Inclusion Activities

Clark County Bar Association (CCBA) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit member organization. Contributions to the CCBA are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.

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Do you give permission for the CCBA to acknowledge your gift (name and donation amount) in an upcoming publication of the bar journal Communiqué?

Learn about DICE

Read about CCBA’s diversity and inclusion activities: