Family Law CLE Program for Nevada Lawyers Set for May 20, 2022

On Friday, May 20, 2022, a distinguished panel of members from the southern Nevada family law bench and bar will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the Clark County Bar Association and sponsored by Bank of Nevada and Las Vegas Legal Video.

Discovery CLE Program for Nevada Lawyers Set for May 26, 2022

On Thursday, May 26, 2022, civil litigators Michael J. Gayan and Alysa M. Grimes will make a special presentation for the continuing legal education of Nevada lawyers in a program produced by the Clark County Bar Association and sponsored by Bank of Nevada and Las Vegas Legal Video.

How to Avoid (or Compel) Disclosure of Documents a Witness Reviewed Before Testifying

Witnesses frequently use documents to prepare for deposition or trial testimony, often at their counsel’s direction. Sometimes a witness brings and refers to documents while testifying. When may an opposing party request disclosure of documents reviewed before or during a witness’s testimony? Learn more in this article written by Michael J. Gayan, Esq. and Alysa M. Grimes, Esq.

An Insight Into the Eighth Judicial District Court’s Business Court

As many practitioners know, the Eighth Judicial District Court has a specialty business court with five judges acting as business court judges: Judge Nancy L. Allf, Judge Mark R. Denton, Judge Susan H. Johnson, Judge Joanna S. Kishner, and Judge Timothy C. Williams. Learn more in this feature written by Jennifer Braster, Esq.

Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon Highlights

On March 31, 2022, the Clark County Bar hosted its Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon sponsored by Bank of Nevada, First Legal, and Steno Agency, Inc. Justice Silver made a special presentation about the Supreme Court of Nevada. CCBA President (‘21) Harper presented awards and thanked several members who actively supported the CCBA last year.